Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today I woke up and did my usual surfing of the net, you know clicking random links that looked intriguing. Then I came upon one that caught my eye that happened to be about, Gossip Girl. I know what your thinking, what am I doing clicking an article about gossip girls. Actually, it was an article about the "scandalous" advertisements for the CW11 show. The advertisements show the stars naked, half-naked, or about to do something that gets them naked. In the article, the stars of the show are quoted saying that they think the saucy ads are a great idea for marketing the show. I can see what the actors are saying; what could get your attention more than a promiscuous Blake Lively? However, I can also sympathize with the parents that are all worked up. How could parents be thrilled about their kids watching a show that is advertising sexual or seducing acts? Is this really a good marketing idea like the Gossip Girl stars think?


Mack said...

Sex sells-- if you are offended by the ads, you probably weren't the intended audience.

Dalia said...

I think it's kind of interesting how "bad" advertising can attract so many people. But it is true how sex sells and I just feel bad for the parents.

Liz said...

I actually read an article on this, and the scene that particular promotion is from was shot with Leighton Meister wearing a bathing suit top. I myself actually watched the episode when it aired and do not remember any blatant nudity. I think this only reinforces the fact that the station is trying to boost ratings by promoting sex.

It also might have to do with the fact that the show would be cancelled without its scadalous nature though, there isn't much to it besides that.

Julia Simpson said...

I don't watch this show, but I'm pretty sure that the characters are supposed to be in high school. So, they are advertising possibly underage kids practicing free sex.

I understand that sex sells and this show is known for its racy content, but here I think that they pushed the envelope straight over the edge. If I was a parent I would be pissed too because this irresponsible behavior is being displayed for their eight-year-old daughters and sons to see and accept as normal behavior.

Why not show the characters taking their birth control pills and signing in at Planned Parenthood? I mean, wouldn't that rile up viewers just as much? Do people not care about the messy side of sleeping around? Hopefully all of those kids have been checked for STD's, or is that too much to put into an ad? I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this, but I just feel it is a cheap shot at getting viewers attention.