Monday, September 15, 2008

Mexico's Independence

Well, this may be very different from typical things we are writing about, but I decided to write about Mexico's Independence day, which is tomorrow, the 16th. I am currently watching the ceremony in Mexico City, where the President, Calderon, recieves the Mexican flag and shows it to the millions of people surrounded by him. It is a ceremony that is portrayed very carefully and with great national pride. It is interesting to see how the cameras portray the president in a really special way. When he made his speech, the cameras were right under him to make him seem bigger than he is. The program shows people screaming with their flags and people getting emotional over this special ceremony.
I think the way the media covers specials stories really makes a difference on the impact of the event. The hosts and what the cameras show make the event stand out. It brings out all these emotions from the public. I feel like that is one of the goals of the media; they want the public to feel or think a certain way.

1 comment:

elizabeth o. said...

I agree. The media will certainly spin a story a certain way in order to influence the audience's behavior.

It's interesting the cameras were poised underneath the president during the speech. I don't think the American media does that; probably because our officials speak behind a podium. Maybe it's easier for the cameras to be head-on?