Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is plastic free the way to be?

BBC news announced that a determined woman's attempt to live a month without plastic was complete this past Monday in an article released on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. Chis Jeavans declared to live the month of August without purchasing anything made from or wrapped in plastic. Because the production and disposal of plastics can have devastating impacts on the environment, Jeavans set out to significantly reduce her use of plastics. Jeavans was able to keep and use the things made from plastic which she already owned but when she had to purchase new items they had to be plastic free. Jeavans had to resort to using a wooden toothbrush and homemade toothpaste and even attempted to use bicarbonate of soda as deodorant. In conclusion of her endeavor she explained the difficulties of living a life without plastic. While I admire Jeavans dedication in her attempt to live plastic-free, is this lifestyle a realistic effort to protect our environment? It is important to limit our use of plastic in everyday life, like using canvas bags instead of plastic at the grocery store, but is it really possible (or necessary) to cut it out of our lives completely?

1 comment:

Julia Simpson said...

I understand the importance of reducing our use of plastics, but really, a wooden toothbrush?
Now, what is more important, saving a tree or not using plastic. What about recycling plastic? Maybe that is the problem with all of these plastic products that are hazardous to the environment. I know that the recycling process is not all that friendly either, but what is the lesser of two evils?
What we should really be doing is making a concious effort to recycle and buy more recycled products instead of using and wasting new materials.
If more companies made an effort to use recycled plastics women such as Leavon might not feel the need to live without real deodorant.