Friday, September 12, 2008

Where is Biden?

There seems to be someone missing from the presidential race lately. Obama's VP nominee Joe Biden seems to have fallen out of the race. He's getting absolutely no coverage, even when he says something very newsworthy. A recent article from Mail Online reports Biden noting that perhaps Hillary Clinton would be a better choice for VP than himself. Biden has a reputation of shooting his mouth off, and he couldn't have said this at a worse time. Obama is already defending accusations of bashing Palin in a recent speech. However, this story about Biden is hardly making headlines. Everyone is so distracted primarily by Palin and Obama that Biden's actions are being ignored by many. However, this was a huge blow to the Democratic camp, so why isn't it getting more coverage?


Sarah said...

Maybe Biden needs to have a daughter who is pregnant, or maybe have an affair of some sort-then he may get more coverage...just a thought.

Sarah said...
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elizabeth o. said...

Perhaps the media is still taken by Palin's first television interview. It's clear that the media sees her as the most newsworthy hotspot; since she was announced, Obama's coverage in the press has declined dramatically.

or maybe the media is stockpiling the footage of all the Democratic party's gaffes, to build a platform of support for Palin.