Friday, September 5, 2008

Media Bashes Palin

In the past week the media has focused their attention almost entirely to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, but the attention has not always been positive. They consistently keep stating that Sarah Palin is not "good enough" to hold the title, mainly in reference to her position within her family of five children. It has been extremely saddening to see the media bash Sarah Palin because she serves as an inspiration to many young women and although the media does not flat out say that she is not good enough because she is a female, it is obvious to see that they are using the attacks on her family to keep the typical upper class, white male in office.

It is extremely important to realize media's effects on our youth because it is our responsiblity to educate and inspire them in order for society to continuously prosper. Sarah Palin symbolizes not only a strong, female leader, but hope for young women to believe that they, too can rise up above the men, which is seldomly done. We must implant the idea of a woman leader in the minds of our youthful woman to give them the inspirtation to keep trying and never give up, despite all the negativity towards them.


Sarah S. said...

I agree. I generally do not agree with Republicans on their politic opinions (and Palin is no exception) but in spite of myself I am inspired by her. I'm 20 years old and for the first time I feel like I could be president one day. I hate to sound like a crazy feminist here, but it would be great to see a woman president soon, like Palin, even if I don't agree with her on everything.

Liz said...

I agree. It is not fair to attack Palin because she has a family. Her husband has already said that he would step down from his job to be able to take care of the kids. Obviously, her kids will not be suffering. Also, she is an inspiration for all of the mothers our there who strive to be successful. It is not right for the media to shoot her down because she is trying to have a career and a family.