Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Slightly morbid

Today two brothers in Philadelphia pleaded guilty to charges of theft and conspiracy (among other charges) for stealing and illegally selling corpses. They sold over 244 bodies, only 49 of which have been identified so far. One body has been identified as Alistair Cooke, a famed speech-radio journalist. Cooke had died from lung cancer, making his body ineligible for any sort of transplant. The two brothers had falsified many death certificates including Cooke's. Who knows how many people received unsuitable parts for their transplants or implants. These people have made over $4.6 million in this scam. This is one of the most atrocious and sick stories I have heard in a while. Can't people just make an honest living anymore? These men obviously had no permission from relatives or medical facilities. It also confuses me who are buying these parts. This whole story was completely disturbing and left me in complete disbelief of people's morals.


elizabeth o. said...

I've heard there is a black market for body parts; it's usually referenced in passing when these type of stories make the news headlines. but I don't know who would deal in body parts, or what they'd be used for.

Diana Frainey said...

Wow, I wish more people would understand that happiness will never be found in worldly possessions.