Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama Reminiscent of FDR

Obama is using a method FDR used to use to fight back against the ads the McCain campaign is producing. FDR used to do "fireside chats" over the radio to create a sense of familiarity with the people. One of Obama's newest ads has done just that. Usually campaign ads are thirty seconds long, filled with dramatic music, a serious voice-over, and bad pictures of the opposing candidate attacking his stance. Obama's campaign though has put out an ad that is an entire two minutes long, has no music in the background, and the only person's voice is Obama's who speaks directly to the viewer about what he plans to do, without attacking McCain once. The ad is meant to run in swing states and its popularity gives way that this isn't going to be the only "fireside chat" with Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Agreed. Let's hope the Obama's new style prevails over the antagonistic alternative ... Americans are depressed enough as it is.