Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leave Bristol Alone

O.k...The Republican National Convention isn't even over yet, and I'm already sick of hearing about Sarah Palin.  
But, I'm going to bring up an ethics issue concerning her children anyway.
There's usually a rule that the children (under the age of 18) of politicians, or public officials in general are off limits when it comes to news coverage.   It's usually unethical to bring children into the limelight.
So why is Palin's 17-year-old pregnant daughter such a hot topic to the media?  Just because it's a presidential race, does it mean that journalist's ethical code is thrown out the window?
It's understandable why they are talking so much about it, but it's not ethical.  Leave Bristol alone.

1 comment:

chelsea b said...

I completely agree that according to journalism standards and past historical campaigns that these attacks are unethical and bringing items to the agenda that don't directly relate to the campaign for President.

However...the rule about kids being defined as under 18 is kind of shot considering Bristol and her boyfriend, or fiance, could technically both be tried in court as adults. We all know that just because someone turns 18, they don't change into a blossoming individual. Sometimes people are considered "adult" well before 18, and some would even say many young adults, even up to 21, still act like children.

It is unethical, and the story was definitely blown way out of proportion, but Sarah Palin is running for Vice President of the United States of America, potentially becoming the President should something happen to McCain. In today's day and age, we really shouldn't be surprised that this is in the media. Unfortunately, it's just what the media has evolved into...there's not really a way to stop it.