Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And So the Fireside Chats Return

This is about my post "Obama Reminiscent of FDR" published on September 29, 2008. The 2 minute ad is now being played on the OBAMA CHANNEL- channel 73 on the Dish Network. The channel is playing the ad on a loop over and over 24 HOURS A DAY. The Obama campaign is hoping the cable channel will reach viewers and inevitably advertise Obama's views.
I just did the math and it comes out to a total of 720 ad runs per day. Maybe it's just me but that seems a tad repetitive and little 1984ish (George Orwell's)--burning the message into the viewers brain.

1 comment:

GWW said...

Um, there is an Obama channel? Wow. I have to wonder how much that costs them.