Wednesday, August 27, 2008

high tech fortune cookie?

Imagine, you work in an Ipod assembly line somewhere in Southern China. As a goof, your colleague grabs a freshly minted iPhone and snaps a picture of you flashing smiles and peace signs. Before putting the coveted gadget back in the box, your colleague fails to delete the picture, leaving the file on the phone's memory card. There, it is discovered by the British buyer of said iPhone, for whom the picture probably is the closest he has come to actual contact with a female since his mom kicked him out of the house. Soon thereafter, you are an Internet hit. Do you think she will be on Letterman next week?

1 comment:

julie s. said...

That is quite funny.
Unless she was naked or looked like Sarah Palin, she probably won't make it on Letterman.
How crazy were these photos that made her a YouTube star?