Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Presidential Debate, of course

I watched the Presidential debate tonight, as I'm sure everyone else did. But then I watched the Fox News post-debate show H & C. I thought the coverage was completely biased and ridiculous. I happened to see the show yesterday and the guest was McCain's daughter. The Republican host did all the talking and bashed Obama with her, the one Democrat representative was basically hushed in the background. Tonight Fox polled their viewers and at the bottom it showed the results. It said that 87% of viewers thought McCain won and 11% thought that Obama won. I thought that was ridiculous, and completely showed how biased Fox is that only conservatives seem to watch it. Their guest tonight was Geraldine Ferraro, a Democrat, but she made some comment that the viewers texting in their responses were all youngsters using their cell phones. It seems to me that Fox viewers are mostly Republican...


rallsbrook said...

It is true that the audience of Fox News are mostly Republicans. But that is because Fox News is KNOWN for being a conservative news station, just like CNN is known for being a liberal news station. Perhaps, it would be more fair to the general public for certain stations to disclose their preferences, but they almost don't have to because their biases are overwhelmingly obvious.

chelsea b said...

I'm interested to see how they cover election day. I wonder what nonsense polling and interviewing they have planned for that day!