Monday, September 8, 2008

Gossip Girl

I'm a big fan of the CW's Gossip Girl. The new, second season has taken a turn in a different direction. Viewers are starting to feel the show is becoming a little racy. WGN interviewed viewers about their thoughts on the new season. It was interesting to hear other fans' opinions. One viewer called Gossip Girl "Naughty". "Tantalizing TV or just trash?" asks Mark Suppelsa,  WGN news anchor. Parents are not impressed with it.  
The show seems to be playing off of its new found racy image. Advertisements for Gossip Girl are posted all over the city, but mainly at bus stops. The advertisements display critics' quotes, one saying something along the lines of "a parents worst nightmare". I find it interesting that the CW is embracing these quotes in order to attract more viewers. It's an interesting strategy. 


elizabeth o. said...

Maybe the CW is trying to see how much they can get away with on cable television before the Parents' Review or whomever protests. They're probably hoping you'll tune in to see exactly how racy the second season is.

GWW said...

I'm not exactly a Gossip Girl fan, but I thought the ads were pretty funny. Not that I condone trash (I've only seen one episode, so I can't really judge the quality), but I like that they are not afraid of ticking off parents. Plus, a sad but true fact is that the more parents are mad, the more likely kids will watch.

Victoria said...

I love GG but I think the ads are a little intense, like the one in Belmont that says "a parent's worst nightmare" Also in the window at Bergdorfs (
all the phrases like OMFG are painted on the windows and are inappropriate for a street. The show itself, I think parents should decide for themselves if they want their junior high student watching it. The show is nothing compared to the books though. I think the CW is trying to appeal to a very sexualized audience who don't think the same way that their people their age 25-50 years ago did.

chelsea b said...

I think the CW is genius in doing this. The show caters to a certain type of crowd, typically teens to young adults, and the viewers are going to watch the show regardless. They were hoping to pick up new viewers with the ads because unfortunately, in America because of our culture, sex sells. Yes, this may seem like an extreme approach to attract viewers, and to throw things back in critics faces, but ultimately, it's working for them!