Thursday, November 6, 2008
Coverage of Tuesday's Election
Friday, October 31, 2008
Palin; Good or Bad Caboose for the McCain Train
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Media <3's Obama
The article also goes on to say that a lot of the statistics on media coverage just depend on perspective. For example, Hilary Clinton had a higher percentage of "negative" stories about her campaign, but "nearly 20% of the Clinton stories were aired on conservative talk radio" and unsurprisingly "86% of these were negative". The author states that stories about Obama were positive because they dealt mostly with Obama's fundraising and his background, while only "14.5% of the stories dealt with policy or the public record".
So I guess my question is, is it up to journalists to cover each candidate evenly, or it the candidate's responsibility to be news worthy? McCain solved his media problem by adding Sarah Palin to his ticket, although the media coverage of her is not always glowing. Personally I have to say that in my perspective there has been far more positive media coverage about Obama than McCain. I don't know whether this is biased or just reflects the candidate's own strengths and weaknesses, but to be honest I'd rather read about Obama's accomplishments any day.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Forget the hastle, vote early.
Campbell Brown Shakes Things Up
Brown said of the show, "You're not going to see me ever be partisan." But that doesn't mean you won't see her take a stand. While the show presents the news objectively Brown also gives her own analysis of the news- for example, she gave a tough interview to the republican spokesperson that the campaign felt attacked the party, and is now questioning Obama's campaign finances.
The trouble is, most viewers feel that the show is definitely on the liberal side, but more importantly the analysis that Brown gives causes the show to blur the line between a hard news show and an editorial news show. Journalists are supposed to analyze the news though, and because she is critical of both parties (though Republicans may have more to criticize?) I think the show definitely gives a different opinion on politics, both during and after this election.
Upcoming Election Problems
In the media's defense...
A Half-Hour Advert?
While political campaigns spending large amounts of cash on advertising is not unheard of, Barack Obama's message is the first of its kind. Personally, I get bored of the political tv adverts after the first few times I catch them; and they only last for a few minutes! I cannot imagine sitting down to watch interviews of random people telling of their support for a candidate, the timing of which is the same length as a funny sitcom.
Media and the 2008 Election
Palin's Ratings
I would argue that is a telling definition of this election's media coverage, and my primary complaint. Journalists assigned labes to Obama and McCain, often without any mention of their stance on issues. The subhead reads "Voters link each to products," but the reality is that the media usually made these connections and pushed onto a passive citizenry. When did expectations outweigh political developments and debates?
I feel as if the media had a ready-made portrayal of each candidate this entire year. The candidates themselves were merely incidental.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
2008 Election Media Coverage
The media almost acts as a bully on the playground: Once they find someone better to torment, they leave their original victim alone. Their new victim is of course Sarah Palin, who offers up countless stories that are too good to let go. The media has thoroughly enjoyed pouncing on her every word and action. The media is less interested in the issues and just follows the story wherever it goes. And ever since McCain chose Palin as his running mate, the story has been on her. This could have been a great publicity stunt, but lately McCain's plan has been backfiring on him. The media has shown increasing disapproval of Palin from the general public.
Even when Biden shoots his mouth off, he still barely makes the media radar. And although Obama is still in the news, he's definitely been put on the back burner to Palin. He's really only in the news when the McCain campaign camp decides to attack him about some new accusation. But Obama refuses to lash out, therefore there's no real story to tell. In this case, less media coverage on Obama is working for him. The media is not painting Sarah Palin or John McCain in an attractive light, and with the election a week away, it might be too late for the McCain camp to turn things around. I think the media's portrayal of all the candidates during this campaign will have a huge impact on the result of this election.
McCain wins?
Media as "The Watch Dog" or "The Stalker"
Does the Media Want Obama to Win?
Keeping this thought in mind, another article from the Pew Research Center says that John McCain has been getting rather negative coverage from the media as opposed to Obama who seems to receive more positive coverage than negative.
Are these two articles really true, that the media is clearly favoring Obama in this election? Or could they just be fairly one sided? Who knows.
We would like to believe that journalists keep their political views out of their writing, especially when it comes to hard news. The notion of objectivity is not always as easy as it sounds, but journalists have an obligation to give people the facts, not opinions, when it comes to news.
It is very interesting, however, that every year since at least 1992, the public voters believe that the media favors the Democratic candidate over the Republican. Obviously if voters believe that journalists are not doing their job when it comes to giving people the hard facts, sans opinion.
The Historical 2008 Election
The one thing I have noticed, along with other news watchers, that the media has made a huge emphasis on Barack Obama and little is seen or heard of John McCain. Barack Obama has been discussed over and over again in the news, in regards of his religion, his church, his beliefs. It seems what has happened in his life is so much more interesting to cover, or this is at least what the media has portrayed. McCain has been covered a little bit more now because the elections are near, but also because of his choice for vice president, Sarah Palin, who has made a big splash in the media. With all her controversy in her life, McCain and Palin have made big headlines.
It seems like the media portrays the candidates in a way that seems to be scandalous. They want the news to be like gossip more than information. An example can be Sarah Palin and her lifestyle. I do not see how that is more important to know than her policies for this country. On Obama's case, the fact of how he was raised and what goes on in his church, seemed to be a really big deal. I can see how these issues can be important in knowing the candidate, but I did not see many stories on what Obama plans to do for our country. Another reason why these two candidates have been in the news is because of their images. Both are considered good looking and young, while McCain is portrayed as being old and grumpy. This has happened before in history when JFK ran for presidency. The media covered him a lot because he was handsome and had a movie star presence. It seems that the presence of a candidate will affect how the media and public perceive him/her.
It has also been such a big election because of the issues that are current. Many people are worried about the economy, oil, war, and personal issues that they may be facing. These topics will be greatly affected based on who will be voted in to make changes in our country. Because of this, it seems that people seem to lean towards Obama because he represents different beliefs. It seems that the media is looking for someone who will be different from other candidates to attract people.
I have to admit that it may not be all the media portraying the elections this way, but the majority have made this impression on me as well as other people.
The one thing that I have recognized and appreciate (maybe because I am older) is the fact that the media has been making a big deal about the elections. It is something very important and it should be covered intensely to get people to vote and voice their beliefs. It should also be covered to educate people and this year it is really great that it has been covered so much because it is such a great moment in history. It seems that this year, so many young people want to voice their opinions by voting and the media has played a big role in this. This is something that I feel is extremely good because it allows the youth to learn about making important decisions.
Media Coverage of the 2008 Election
In regards to the news coverage of the 2008 election I think they have done their job: those who rarely watched campaigns, debates, polls in the past are now tuning in almost religiously. The media have covered all angles of the campaign race and have used all mediums to broadcast their findings. Regardless of “media favoritism” during election-time, or how ethically they go about their job, I truly think good journalism has been seen at many times throughout this election. I have my personal frustrations with the election and the media, but I put this aside to look objectively into what is being produced to the world.
Journalist have a loyalty to the citizens first and fore most, and I think they have done a great job at catering to liberals, republicans, independents, men, women of all ages and all ethnic backgrounds. I would never want to be a political reporter because of all the stress involved, but I give them much credit for following the campaign and reporting the FACTS as they find them best to their knowledge.
I know this is the first time in my 22 years of life I have ever cared so much about an election, and been able to get basic facts, in depth facts, and gossip on any one of the candidates. I appreciate that, and in turn it makes me rely on the news media, and gives me hope that they will continue to do their job as they are doing now.
Presidential Assassination Scare
Some of you have probably heard about the neo-Nazi skinheads who were planning on assassinating Barack Obama. The story broke on major news outlets last night. The federal government has broken up the plan and all is hunky dory now.
But, should this story have even been broadcasted? It was absolutely newsworthy. It was major national news. But did the public really have to know this? No. Was it worth a small public scare? No. Might this create copy-cat scares? It's possible.
The media has the power to control what the public knows. Was this socially responsible of the media to broadcast this story? I don't think so.
Unethical Journalism at Its Finest
Print Jounalism is Dying
Monday, October 27, 2008
Newspaper endorsement
"Sure, I know the history and the tradition, the fact that newspapers in the 18th and 19th centuries were often affiliated with political parties, but why do they do it now? Why do it at a time when the credibility and viability of the press are at all-time lows? More important, why do it at a time when readers, especially young readers, question the objectivity of newspapers in particular and the media in general?"
Editor and Publisher editor Greg Mitchell defended the practice however on In The Media. I did not find his argument very convincing though, as he mainly seemed to argue (based on anecdotal evidence) that endorsements make a difference, not that these endorsements are necessary.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Palin's Strong Influence
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Power to the People!
Friday, October 17, 2008
the "unbiased" news
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Thursday, October 16, 2008
And the best informed audience members are....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Keep on rockin'
Almost universally, the motive has been to "adapt to the times." Sure, that makes sense. But when that translates more pictures and less text, what does that say about society? Just by glancing at our media styles can we see the true meaning of "tuning out." What's next?
The Presidential Debate, of course
Standing Versus Sitting
The subject of the candidates sitting at a table instead of standing came up a few times. Analysists mentioned how a speaker sitting comes off as less of a leader, not as influential, and less combative.
Maybe McCain will not get winded?
I do not see the point in the sitting or even discussing it on the news.
Like a boy...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Blogging about blogs.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Media Moguls Discuss Blogging & Journalism
Stengel said this about blogging: "The thing I like about blogging is it's democratic with a small 'd.' It allows people to be involved who wouldn't otherwise be involved. At the same time it doesn't have the rigor we would have traditionally....On the one hand I like the idea of no gatekeepers. On the other hand it means a lot of information gets out there that's absolutely not correct."
Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter took the oppostie viewpoint, telling all who gathered he doesn't want the journalists working for him trying to compete with the kids in the blogosphere.
The discussion, moderated by CNN's Campbell Brown, focused on what blogs are doing to journalism and whether it's good or bad.
Reality Television- the decline
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sports Announcers
For example, if you are watching the CUBS, and Theriot strikes out...does it bother you when the announcer will say something like"Oh, no! What a bad call". Or if "D. Lee" hits a routine fly ball to the outfield and the announcers proclaim "It's outta's outta there...oh no, its not, they caught it...ugh."
These may be slight exaggerations; however it happens often with many broadcasters and I find it completely unprofessional. I feel that although someone may only broadcast for the Sox, Cubs, Dodgers, Bulls, or Dolphins... their emotions should be in check. I know this may be difficult in games such as the World Series but I don't like it when broadcasters act as though they are both FANS and ANNOUNCERS during the broadcast.
I may just be very nit-picky but come on-just tell me what is happening (2 balls 1 strike, man on 3rd, touchdown...and so on). When they add agression or excitement it makes me question their credibility a little bit.
Just my thoughts, but during this past baseball season, it really began to bug me and my boyfriend and we turned off broadcasts in protest. Do you find it unprofessional? Or does this not bother anyone much??
Friday, October 10, 2008
BBC News reported that Sarah Palin was found guilty of abusing her power. CNN reports that Mrs Palin abused her power, but broke no law. The state legislature investigated the issue, commonly dubbed 'Troopergate', compiling a 1000 page report as people outside the courthouse dressed in clown suits & decried the probe as a 'three-ring circus'.
What is the issue? Apparently while governor, Sarah Palin urged Walter Monegan, Alaska's Public Safety Commissioner, to fire a particular trooper, Mike Wooten. As governor, she is within her rights to request that. Monegan refused, sensing that the real reason behind the attempted firing was because State Trooper Wooten was at the time in brutal divorce proceedings with Mrs Palin's sister. As a result of resisting pressure, Mr Monegan was fired over budgetary disputes in July.
I think this outcome will affect & change at least a few voters' minds. If the Republicans win the nomination for the White House, how would Sarah Palin wield her power then?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
And So the Fireside Chats Return
I just did the math and it comes out to a total of 720 ad runs per day. Maybe it's just me but that seems a tad repetitive and little 1984ish (George Orwell's)--burning the message into the viewers brain.
ESPN Overload
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Underdogs Advance!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Amy Winehouse-potential scientologist??
Saturday Night Live
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
VP Style
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Long Live A Legend
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rupert Murdoch, a man to watch out for
Burning Down the House
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"Sexy Puritan" or "rightwing-Christian anti-choice extremist"
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Obama Reminiscent of FDR
Friday, September 26, 2008
Entertainment Weekly Knows Where It's At

I'm sure most of you remember The New Yorker's cover of the Obamas seen through Republicans eyes. Barack is dressed in "typical" Muslim garb, while Michelle dons full combat gear. The New Yorker cover was meant to critique the Republican view of the Obamas but the Obama campaign did not think it was funny. Now Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (who else?) grace the cover of Entertainment Weekly in tribute to The New Yorker. Entertainment Weekly also did an interview with Stewart and Colbert and both do an excellent job of critiquing the candidates, their campaigns, and the media. Evidently with this issue, Entertainment Weekly definitely knows that they're doing when it comes to selling magazines.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What you could learn in a minute.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Chicago Tribune's Gets a Makeover
They are even changing their head logo, which has been the same for well over a hundred years. Instead of having the words 'Chicago Tribune' next to each other, they will be stacked on top of one another. This will leave space for pictures from the top stories inside the newspaper.
I also heard that the newspaper considered changing their name to 'The Trib'
the nickname many of us have come to associate with them. I read an article about this change that may take place, but they have decided against it.
In one of my classes we talked about this and some students said that if they did change their name to The Trib, it would make them not want to read the Tribune. They said they would not take them seriously anymore.
I think that the Tribune is doing whatever it takes to save their paper in these hard times, and they're making a smart move but I don't think it will do any good. It may cause some buzz and initially people may be interested in their new look, but I don't see it lasting. Newspapers need to face that times are changing. The internet is the new direction to go when it comes to news and media. I think newspapers need to follow that path and see where it takes them.
Will Yahoo! fall short?
We talk about wanting to just get the news online, being able to search for specific types of articles, or just read about a few topics here and there. Is this investment worth it, playing on the fact that we are a very ADHD nation and will probably divert to an advertisement's page because we become "bored" so quickly? Or is this just another aim to improve the news industry that will fall short because it's not what people want to see or care to look at when they're reading about the latest news?
Media is Raisin' (or lowering) McCain
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What is Newsworthy?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Skinny Minny
Do you Want the Palin Look?
The media's hand in the financial fall outs
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Britney Spears' Comeback
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Subliminal bias?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Have Your Say
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
JonBenet Ramsey
Sexy Baristas
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Is the News RELIABLE?
He told me that he does not like to watch the news because he feels that they only give you the news that is important to them. They can distract the public from big events going on in the world; things that the public should be knowing about besides the cute little stories the news shows. But I was wondering, then where else could we get our news unless we become reporters ourselves? Is there any reliable source?
Sexism in SNL?
Dancing Together, But Individually
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mexico's Independence
I think the way the media covers specials stories really makes a difference on the impact of the event. The hosts and what the cameras show make the event stand out. It brings out all these emotions from the public. I feel like that is one of the goals of the media; they want the public to feel or think a certain way.
Anti-Islamic Media
What Do We Really Want?
Weis and Brady are partners in crime AGAIN!!!!
Allergies and Global Warming
Tina Fey Makes for a Better Palin than Palin Herself
As Tina Fey made a guest appearance as Sarah Palin, it really was hard to tell the difference when it came to looks. But when it came to speaking, you couldn't help but laugh and side with Tina Fey. Now I know Sarah Palin would not be doing a comedic skit as she's running for V.P., but the show did bring up some interesting points, firing jokes at her flaws and attacking her history and position as a political candidate, not her family situation that has been painted all over every news program since she was announced as the candidate. The duo of Fey and Amy Poehler (acting as Hilary Clinton) did raise the issues of a sexist bias also coming out in this election, earlier with Hilary and now with Palin.
But are the people watching this show really as informed about these topics as we'd like to think? Were ordinary citizens laughing at the skit because they think Palin is "hott"? Or are the citizens informed, knowledgable, and intellectual, like those of the Daily Show who honestly just prefer a comedic spin on things over the interrogations and boring jargon we typically hear?